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    Horia Gheorghe BALTA In Multi-Non-Binary Turbo-Codes From Convolutional to Reed-Solomon Codes a new family of turbo-codes, named multi-non-binary turbo-codes (MNBTC), is proposed. The component code for those MNBTCs present R non-binary inputs. The new family includes MBTCs, which in their turn include single-binary turbo codes (SBTC) and also Reed-Solomon turbo-codes. It is shown how to construct MNBTCs, the MAP adaptation algorithm for their decoding, the closing methods and the performances for these TCs are shown. Although a superior performance against MBTC is not yet achieved, some evidences (e.g. faster convergence for MNBTCs) encourage the search for MNB codes and interleavers dedicated to these codes. Agiven some requirements that must be imposed on the MNBTC parameters to generate RSTC - turbo-codes having Reed-Solomon codes as component codes.

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    Dinu COLTUC The mentor has a certain visibility in the image/signal processing community and notably in the watermarking community. He has given invited talks mainly in French Universities, one of them at University Henri Poincare, University Nancy 1, which is ranked 302-403 in Top 500 World Universities. He has given oral presentations of the results of his research in international conferences (IEEE ICIP, EUSIPCO, SPIE, etc.). He also serves as reviewer for ISI journals, as invited researcher and invited professor in French Universities.